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  3. Personal Information

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Patient's Information
PF8061 Dr. Jack Hauler
Suburban Square, 74 Coulter Avenue, Ardmore, US 19003, (610)896-0610
Doctor Info
Dr. Jack Hauler
Dr. Jack Hauler
Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) PA College of Optometry, 1984. B.S. Ursinus College, 1980

Dr. Hauler has been practicing optometry at his Pearle Vision in Suburban Square, Ardmore for 38 years. He specializes in primary care optometry and contact lenses and loves being part of the local healthcare community! Volunteerism is important to Dr. Hauler. He co-founded the Pennsylvania chapter of Volunteer Optometric Service to Humanity, a non-profit organization that delivers eyecare to Latin America and Caribbean countries and more recently has provided eyecare locally to those in need.
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Suburban Square

74 Coulter Avenue

Ardmore, PA 19003


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Suburban Square

74 Coulter Avenue

Ardmore, PA 19003


Patient's Information
