Schedule an eye exam

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  2. Schedule a Date
  3. Personal Information

Question 1 of 4

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Patient's Information
PF8468 Dr. Maria Katsev
Pearle Vision Georgetown Shopping Center, 2103 Ralph Ave, Brooklyn, US 11234, (718)241-0400
Doctor Info
Dr. Maria Katsev
Dr. Maria Katsev
SUNY State College of Optometry

Dr. Maria Katsev is a graduate of SUNY State College of Optometry. She loves practicing full scope Optometry in the neighborhood where she lives with her family. Dr. Katsev provides comprehensive eye exams and fits all types of contacts including multi focal, astigmatic and mono vision. Being in practice for over 20 years provides continuous care for her patients.
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Pearle Vision Georgetown Shopping Center

2103 Ralph Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11234


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Your exam summary

Pearle Vision Georgetown Shopping Center

2103 Ralph Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11234


Patient's Information
