Schedule an eye exam

  1. Exam information
  2. Schedule a Date
  3. Personal Information

Question 1 of 4

For how many patients are you scheduling?

Question 2 of 4

Question 3 of 4

Question 4 of 4

One more question to help us find available appointments

Select the best date for your exams, one patient at a time

* fields required

Thank you for booking your appointment!

You will receive an email shortly

Patient's Information
PF8146 Pearle Vision Hamden
Hamden Plaza Shopping Center, 2100 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, US 06514, (203)281-4330
Doctor Info
Dr. Beverly Reidy
Dr. Peter Rosenwald
Dr. RemoteExam TeleMedicine
Find us on map

Hamden Plaza Shopping Center

2100 Dixwell Avenue

Hamden, CT 06514


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Your exam summary

Your exam summary

Hamden Plaza Shopping Center

2100 Dixwell Avenue

Hamden, CT 06514


Patient's Information
