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Patient's Information
PF8274 Drs. Geiderman, Grote & Mokaya
Belmont, 3136 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, US 60657, (773)871-8210
Doctor Info
Dr. Beth Mokaya
Dr. Beth Mokaya
Magna Cum Laude graduate from Concordia College (1999) - Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry Magna Cum Laude graduate from Illinois College of Optometry (2006) - Optometric Degree

Dr. Beth Mokaya grew up in MN. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Chemistry at Concordia College. She graduated magna cum laude from the Illinois College of Optometry in 2006. Upon graduation, Dr. Mokaya became a Pearle Vision doctor and has served at the Lakeview location since 2008. Dr. Mokaya's passion is providing eyecare to patients of all ages, both locally and internationally through the OneSight program. She loves to travel and spend time with her husband and two children.
Dr. Ralph Geiderman
Dr. Andrea Johnson-Grote
Dr. Andrea Johnson-Grote
One of triplets, Dr. Johnson-Grote was born and raised in Pennsylvania. She earned her B.A. degree at Clarion University of Pennsylvania. She graduated from Illinois College of Optometry in 1998.
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Chicago, IL 60657


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3136 North Lincoln Avenue

Chicago, IL 60657


Patient's Information
