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Patient's Information
PF8236 Pearle Northtown Mall
Northtown Shopping Center, 570 Northtown Drive, Blaine, US 55434, (763)784-4081
Doctor Info
Dr. Allison Wiedemann
Dr. Allison Wiedemann
Dr Wiedemann, is a graduate of University of Minnesota Duluth where she earned a BA in Biology/Chemistry. She received her Doctor of Optometry degree from Illinois College of Optometry and completed

Doctor Biography
A couple times a year
Dr. Wiedemann offers her services to the disadvantaged in third world counties
giving sight to many who otherwise would suffer. In her spare time she enjoys hiking and other outdoor activities.

Dr Wiedemann, is a graduate of University of Minnesota Duluth where she earned a BA in Biology/Chemistry. She received her Doctor of Optometry degree from Illinois College of Optometry and completed
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Northtown Shopping Center

570 Northtown Drive

Blaine, MN 55434


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Northtown Shopping Center

570 Northtown Drive

Blaine, MN 55434


Patient's Information
