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Patient's Information
PF8502 Pearle Vision Dr Chad Beynon
Watertown, 901 29th Street South East, Watertown, US 57201, (605)882-2020
Doctor Info
Dr. Chad Beynon, Doctor of Optometry
Dr. Chad Beynon, Doctor of Optometry
Watertown High School 1996 Northern State University 2000 Illinois College of Optometry 2005

Dr. Beynon grew up in Watertown, SD and graduated from Watertown Senior High School in 1996. He earned his bachelor of science degree from Northern State University in 2000. He received his doctrine from the Illinois College of Optometry in 2005. In his free time, Dr. Beynon enjoys golfing, hunting, and spending time on the lake with friends and family. Dr. Beynon and his wife Stephanie have three children. He and his family are very active in their church and community.
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901 29th Street South East

Watertown, SD 57201


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901 29th Street South East

Watertown, SD 57201


Patient's Information
