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Patient's Information
PF8738 Islands Optical
Suite #140 Ave. F. D. Roosevelt, Next To Sears 1St Level, San Juan, PR 00918, (787)753-1033
Doctor Info
Dr. Maria Rodriguez
Dr. Maria Rodriguez
Doctor Biography
Certified Optometrist/Ortokeratologist/PediatricOptometrist/Motivational Trainer and Speaker/Life and Health Coach

Inter American University Degree Name Optometrist Field Of Study Optometry/Optics/Science Dates attended or expected graduation 1986 - 1991 Activities and Societies: Colegio de Optometras de PR, American Association for the Advancement of Science, ETA GAMMA DELTA, Science Teacher Association, Asociacion Internacional de Facilitadores
Dr. Walter Ramirez
Dr. Walter Ramirez
Dr. Walter Ramirez Pagan graduated from the Puerto Rico Interamerican University School of Optometry in 1985. He has been clinic supervisor and lab proctor in the School of Optometry since 1991. Dr. Ramirez continues to be an educational speaker in both Puerto Rico and Venezuela for his colleagues. Dr. Ramirez has been president of the continued education committee, district representative and activities coordinator, and now serves as treasurer of the Colejio de Optometras de Puerto Rico.
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Suite #140 Ave. F. D. Roosevelt

Next To Sears 1St Level

San Juan, PR 00918


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Suite #140 Ave. F. D. Roosevelt

Next To Sears 1St Level

San Juan, PR 00918


Patient's Information
