Schedule an eye exam

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  2. Schedule a Date
  3. Personal Information

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Select the best date for your exams, one patient at a time

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Patient's Information
PF8358 Pearle Vision Plainfield
Pearle Vision Plainfield, 13327 S. Route 59, Plainfield, US 60585, (815)918-4000
Doctor Info
Dr. Gregory New
Dr. Gregory New
2008 New England College of Optometry, Doctor of Optometry 2003 University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Bachelors of Science

Doctor Biography
Dr New is originally from the northern suburbs of Chicago. Besides a brief six years on the east coast he has been a lifelong resident of IL. Dr New strives to ensure his practices are the #1 choice for your local eye care needs. Outside of work he enjoys camping and fishing with his family.

Dr. Jin Park
Dr. Jin Park
Doctor of Optometry from Illinois College of Optometry

I have been working as a Optometric primary practitioner for 12 years. I enjoy helping patients see and educating them about their ocular health.
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Pearle Vision Plainfield

13327 S. Route 59

Plainfield, IL 60585


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Your exam summary

Pearle Vision Plainfield

13327 S. Route 59

Plainfield, IL 60585


Patient's Information
