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Patient's Information
PF8220 Dr. DuBois and Dr. Koeppe, and Associates
3232 13th Ave South, 3232 13th Ave South, Fargo, US 58103, (701)280-3000
Doctor Info
Dr. Amy DuBois
Dr. Amy DuBois
Attended grade school, high school and undergraduate all in Valley City, ND. Attended Pacific University College of Optometry, graduated in 1998.

I was born and raised in Valley City, ND. I met my husband, Chad, while attending undergraduate at VCSU. I attended optometry school at Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR. I returned to ND after graduating and live in Fargo with my husband and two daughters.
Dr. Michael Koeppe
Dr. Michael Koeppe
Dr. Krystal Long
Dr. Krystal Long
Dr. Kristen Schuchard, Doctor of Optometry
North Dakota Optometric Association
Dr. Kristen Schuchard, Doctor of Optometry North Dakota Optometric Association
I completed my undergraduate at MSUM. I attended Illinois College of Optometry.

Doctor Biography
Born and raised in Mandan
ND. I have been practicing since 2008.

I completed my undergraduate at MSUM. I attended Illinois College of Optometry. After graduating I moved back to the Fargo area. I am dedicated to giving my patients the best care possible.
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3232 13th Ave South

3232 13th Ave South

Fargo, ND 58103


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3232 13th Ave South

3232 13th Ave South

Fargo, ND 58103


Patient's Information
