Schedule an eye exam

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  2. Schedule a Date
  3. Personal Information

Question 1 of 4

For how many patients are you scheduling? (Military ID Required)

Question 2 of 4

Question 3 of 4

Question 4 of 4

One more question to help us find available appointments

Select the best date for your exams, one patient at a time

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Patient's Information
PF8047 Dr. Karen Castleberry
Georgia Square Mall, 3700 Atlanta Highway Ste 141, Athens, US 30606, (706)613-6409
Doctor Info
Dr. Karen Castleberry
Dr. Karen Castleberry
Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University

Dr. Castleberry has practiced in Athens for more than 25 years. She earned her doctorate from Ferris State University's Michigan College of Optometry, in Big Rapids, MI. As a student, she led Ferris State University's first humanitarian eye care mission to Honduras through VOSH(Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity), including a group of doctors and students. Her unsurpassed work ethic, academic standing, and attention to detail earned her Student of the Year Award.
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Georgia Square Mall

3700 Atlanta Highway Ste 141

Athens, GA 30606


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Georgia Square Mall

3700 Atlanta Highway Ste 141

Athens, GA 30606


Patient's Information
