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Patient's Information
PF8712 The Eye Health Group Of Springfield
Springfield, 275 Route 22 East, Springfield, US 07081, (973)376-8900
Doctor Info
Dr. Jinyoung Choe
Dr. Jinyoung Choe
Dr. Jinyoung Choe specializes in complete eye care services for adults and children. She specializes in glasses and contacts lens fittings for people with astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness and near vision problems. Her special interests include dry eye disease as well as preventative care for her patients with diabetes, macular degeneration, glaucoma, to prevent vision loss. Dr. Choe is fluent in Korean. Dr. Choe completed her BA degree at the University of California, Berkeley in Integrative Biology. She earned her Doctorate in Optometry from State University of New York College of Optometry. During that time she completed an internship in Pediatrics and Rehabilitative Care as well as in Ocular Disease. She has earned multiple awards including Alcon Academy of Eyecare Excellence, AOF travel grant award, the Minnie Flaura Turner Memorial fund for Impaired Vision Research Award. She has also volunteered her time and expertise to provide comprehensive eye care for the
Dr. Tony Hom
Dr. Tony Hom
Dr. Tony Hom attained his BS in Science from Cooper Union NY. He was awarded his Masters at Columbia University. He received his Doctor of Optometry degree at SUNY College of Optometry.

Dr. Hom was a solo practioner for over 25 years. He performs comprehensive Eye Exams, contact lens fitting, Evaluation, management and treatment of ocular diseases. He is fluent in Cantonese and speaks some Mandarine. He enjoys cooking and eating international cuisines and practices Tai Chi.
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275 Route 22 East

Springfield, NJ 07081


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275 Route 22 East

Springfield, NJ 07081


Patient's Information
