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Patient's Information
PF8725 Family First Vision Care-Easton
Easton Retail Center, 3948 Morse Crossing, Columbus, US 43219, (614)475-6512
Doctor Info
Dr. Jody Mathews
Dr. Jody Mathews
Dr Jody Mathews grew up in Worthington & received a B.S. with honors in 1990 from The Ohio State University. She took several years off to raise her daughters before earning her Professional Degree. She earned her Doctorate in Optometry from The Ohio State University College of Optometry in 2012. She is passionate about delivering the highest level of Eye Care, vision improvement, & patient education. She has extensive experience with traveling Nursing Home Optometry, where she treated a great deal of ocular disease & Low Vision. In Private Practice she focused on customizing glasses and contact lenses to reduce eye strain from digital devices, treating ocular disease, and customizing glasses for patients with eye disease.
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Easton Retail Center

3948 Morse Crossing

Columbus, OH 43219


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Easton Retail Center

3948 Morse Crossing

Columbus, OH 43219


Patient's Information
