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Patient's Information
PF8784 Pearle Vision Oak Creek
Oak Creek Target Center, 8907 S. Howell Avenue, Suite 600, Oak Creek, US 53154, (414)764-2651
Doctor Info
Dr. Kathryn Mueller, Doctor or Optometry
American Optometry Association, Wisconsin Optometry Association
Dr. Kathryn Mueller, Doctor or Optometry American Optometry Association, Wisconsin Optometry Association
Doctorate at Southern California College of Optometry University of Wisconsin - Madison, Bachelor of Science. graduate of Franklin High School

Doctor Biography
contact lenses and primary eye care pediatrics and vision therapy Camping

Dr. Kathryn Mueller loves providing comprehensive eye care to people of all ages. She is a graduate of Franklin High School (Kathryn Chmielewski) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She completed her doctorate at Southern California College of Optometry. Her clinical internships were completed at VAOC, a veteran's hospital in Los Angeles, CA that focuses on ocular disease, and at the Blind Children's Learning Center in Santa Ana, CA, where they specialize in pediatrics and vision therapy.
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Oak Creek Target Center

8907 S. Howell Avenue, Suite 600

Oak Creek, WI 53154


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Oak Creek Target Center

8907 S. Howell Avenue, Suite 600

Oak Creek, WI 53154


Patient's Information
