Schedule an eye exam

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  3. Personal Information

Question 1 of 4

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Question 2 of 4

Question 3 of 4

Question 4 of 4

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Patient's Information
PF8848 Dr. Vonda Ray
Peachtree Station, 5001 Peachtree Blvd, Atlanta, US 30341, (470)375-7593
Doctor Info
Dr. Vonda Ray, Doctor of Optometry Indiana University
National Optometric Assoc.
Georgia Optometric Assoc.
Dr. Vonda Ray, Doctor of Optometry Indiana University National Optometric Assoc. Georgia Optometric Assoc.
Dr. Vonda Ray attended the University of Indiana in Bloomington.

Doctor Biography
Specialize in the latest technology for contact lenses for astigmatism
dry eye
and multifocals Dr. Vonda Ray is a married and also a mother of two daughters. Some of her hobbies include reading
spending quality time with family and giving back to the community through free health screenings etc.

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Peachtree Station

5001 Peachtree Blvd

Atlanta, GA 30341


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Peachtree Station

5001 Peachtree Blvd

Atlanta, GA 30341


Patient's Information
