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Question 2 of 4

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Patient's Information
PF8932 Alpha Optical King of Prussia
King of Prussia, 100 Main St., King of Prussia, US 19406, (610)265-3100
Doctor Info
Dr. Allison Hansen
Dr. Allison Hansen
Dr. Hansen completed her undergraduate studies at Ursinus College in 2018, graduating with a BS in Biologyh. She then went on to optometry school at the Pennsylvania college of Optometry

Dr. Hansen completed her undergraduate studies at Ursinus College in 2018, graduating with a BS in Biology. She then went on to optometry school at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, graduating with Magna Cum Laude Honors, and receiving The 2022 Pediatrics and Binocular Vision Science Award for Excellence. In her free time, Dr. Hansen likes to read, binge her favorite Netflix shows, hang out with friends, and go out to eat with her husband.
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King of Prussia

100 Main St.

King of Prussia, PA 19406


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King of Prussia

100 Main St.

King of Prussia, PA 19406


Patient's Information
