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Patient's Information
PF8450 Dr. Yury Ronin
Gateway Plaza, 3004 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, US 76092, (817)749-2016
Doctor Info
Dr. Yury Ronin
Dr. Yury Ronin
Graduated CUM Laude from TCU in 2008. Attended the University of Houston College of Optometry and graduated Suma Cum Laude in 2012.

Dr. Ronin has a wife and 2 children. He enjoys spending time with his family and watching TCU play in any sport. Dr. Ronin grew up in Arlington. He attendted TCU for his undergraduate degree in Biology and attended the University of Houston for his Optometry degree. That is where he met his beautiful wife Nelly and they settled in Colleyville to raise their family. The family enjoys to travel as well as spending time together at Cedar Creek Lake.
Dr. Kristin Griffin
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Gateway Plaza

3004 East Southlake Boulevard

Southlake, TX 76092


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Gateway Plaza

3004 East Southlake Boulevard

Southlake, TX 76092


Patient's Information
